Tesla Powerwall on the Wall

All You Need To Know About Tesla Powerwall

Reduced availability of electrical power and high electricity prices are issues that most of us have faced. Tesla Powerwall helps us to deal with those kinds of situations, as with the help of it we store energy that can be used when there is an outage. So, what is Tesla Powerwall and how does it work?

Tesla Powerwall

Powerwall is a battery that decreases your dependence on the grid by becoming an energy source as a result of the already stored solar energy and its ability to detect outages. Having its first-generation launched in April 2015, Tesla updated Powerwall’s specifications and covering in October 2016 calling it Tesla Powerwall 2. It is one of the best options for those, who consider energy storage, and the demand for the product is so high that Tesla Powerwall 3 is being developed as well with even more powerful features. Tesla Powerwall dimensions point out its ability to store more energy in much less space. It weighs 251.3 pounds with the measurements of 45.3 in x 29.6 in x 5.75 in. Moreover, its design allows you to install more than one Powerwall, as they are easily arranged together without taking up much space.

The total energy storage capacity of 14 kWh is one of Tesla Powerwall specs that makes it so competitive in the market of solar batteries. 13.5 kWh of Tesla Powerwall capacity is usable, which is almost half of an average home’s everyday energy usage in the US. When it comes to power rating, it is almost standard for all the lithium-ion batteries being 5 kW delivered at any time. Therefore, there is no need to install any additional Powerwall until the combined power usage of the backed-up appliances exceeds the power rating of 5 kW. 90% round trip efficiency is another indicator that Tesla Powerwall installation is a wise decision to make. It means that 90% of the energy sent to Powerwall will be stored for later use, which makes Tesla Solar Powerwall one of the best solar batteries on the market. In addition, 100% Depth of Discharge (DoD) shows that all the stored energy can be used without causing any harm to the battery and therefore, it is supposed to last much longer than Tesla Powerwall alternatives available on the market. Typically, Tesla Powerwall lifespan is 5 or even more years beyond its 10-year warranty.

Being able to get easily integrated with solar, Powerwall makes it completely possible to always have clean and reliable energy. Besides, when you have it installed with a solar panel system, a tax credit can be provided being equal to 26% of the total installation costs. Along with the federal tax credit, there are solar battery incentives for some states that can be used. Though there is not any statewide tax credit in Texas, most of the local utilities offer incentives to add battery backup and as a result, Tesla Powerwall cost can be reduced by 50%. When you decide to install a Powerwall, just keep in mind that Shneyder Solar offers full SGIP rebates, which will help you save money in the long run.

How Powerwall Works

The logic behind is pretty simple. First of all, Powerwall needs to store some energy from solar or from the grid. Afterward, the energy is transformed into electricity that can be used for powering your home anytime regardless of the weather, the time of the day as well as the electricity supply from the grid. The collected but not used energy is sent to the system and stored as a backup.

You can control the energy reserve via the Tesla App by customizing the energy storage in a way to meet your needs. Moreover, the app provides you with real-time monitoring of energy production as well as consumption. Due to the instant alerts of the app and its easy-access features you can have control over your system even remotely. The energy management system, called Tesla Gateway, is for monitoring the battery operations through the app. Gateway software enables Powerwall to run in its three various modes such as backup power, time-based control, and self-powered mode. Normally, those modes are for being less reliant on the power grid and hence, may even lead to increased savings on electricity.

Powerwall also allows you to stay off-grid by using the already stored energy in the evenings. Then, you can recharge the battery from the grid or from the sun as soon as it rises. Not only does it serve as protection from increased rates but it also helps you make your energy consumption more environmentally friendly.

Tesla Powerwall Rechargeable Battery 

The technology of Tesla Powerwall battery is like that of the other rechargeable batteries in terms of gradually losing some of their ability to hold a charge. The deterioration of the battery life is completely normal, as it is typical of any kind of battery.

Usually, it is charged and discharged every day. At least 70% of Powerwall’s capacity for holding a charge is guaranteed during its 10-year warranty period.  Therefore, the most crucial criteria for taking into account while choosing among the battery options are their capacity, power, as well as the offered warranty.

Author of the article: Nvard Hakobyan

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