Elon Musk Goes Beyond Expectations: Solar Neighborhood Will Be Built

These days building a community has become a trend. Vast and engaging communities get built with an aim to accommodate people with homes, playgrounds for children, and different entertainment centers for adults. All of this contributes to the fundamental objective of making money. However, not everyone does that solely for the purpose of getting profits. Elon Musk, one of the big players of each and every industry, came up with an initiative to increase the quality of life of Texas’ population and make the world a better place to live in. He brought up the idea of building the first Tesla Solar neighborhood. Yes, turns out the housing market in Austin has a new player, be cautious!

Elon Musk and Solar

No wonder that the first Tesla Solar neighborhood will be built by Elon Musk. Let’s not forget that he is the CEO of Tesla Motors – the world’s leading force driving the world’s shift to sustainability. Elon Musk and solar cooperate really well – electric vehicles, solar energy systems, and many more solar things come with Tesla. Don’t you think that if Tesla managed to come up with a cutting-edge battery technology approximately a decade ago and revolutionize the product portfolio of solar energy companies, then now the brain of Tesla can revolutionize the Austin housing market and deliver people the most sustainable and vast solar neighborhood? Logical! Elon Musk even mentioned, “Neighborhood solar installations across all housing types will reshape how people live.” 

Solar Energy & Powerwall Battery Duo Is Key

On July 10, 2021, Elon Musk posted a tweet where he noted, “Solar + Powerwall battery ensures that your home never loses power.” He constantly makes people aware of the fact that the neighborhood will make sustainability boom. The provisional name of the neighborhood is SunHouse to transfer the full meaning and aim of building the energy-neutral neighborhood. To make it the energy-neutral community, Tesla announced potential additions that will come with the opening of the neighborhood, including the availability of energy storage systems like Tesla Powerwall, sell-back-to-the-grid incentives, and many more!

What About Solar Energy Companies?

With its popularity, the project automatically makes Tesla the desirable company to get solar from. And if before Tesla has been one of the leading competitors of other solar energy companies, now it just takes the market. The only thing that can save other solars is a possible inefficiency in supply in correlation with demand. Considering how popular Tesla is, a disbalance between supply & demand of solar equipment is a possibility. 

Final Note

Ways to make the world a better place to live in are many. However, not everyone can afford to realize such a huge project like this one. Indeed, that’s the reason that not everyone is Elon Musk. That genius implements projects that no one can get to but surely can enjoy as a consumer. Let’s see how the three-phase sample construction of the SunHouse goes. The successful implementation of the three-phase sample construction will indicate whether the fourth phase of making the neighborhood a neutral-energy community is a real possibility. 

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

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