Commercial Solar Panel Installation, Commercial Solar Energy, Commercial Solar Panels

Commercial Solar Panels
{Solar|The solar|Renewable solar} Panels are a {popular choice|preferred option|favorite choice} for {commercial owners who want|commercial property owners looking|business owners who wish} to {cut overhead and reduce|reduce overheads and lower|reduce their overhead and cut} their {utility|energy|power} {bills|costs|expenses}. {According to|As per|Based on} the Solar Energy Industries Association (SIA){, every| each} year{, more businesses choose|, more companies opt| more businesses opt} to {have solar installed at|install solar panels on|install solar panels at} their {premises|facilities|locations}. {Even more people are using|More and more people are turning to|In addition, more and more people are using} solar panels. This guide {will assist|can help|is for} {anyone who is|those who are|anyone} {interested in solar installations|looking to install solar panels|seeking solar-powered solutions} {for|to run} their business. This guide will {help you understand|help you comprehend|assist you in understanding} {the pros and cons|what pros and cons|both the advantages and disadvantages} {about|of} commercial solar panels {and the|as well as the|and} {various types|different types|different kinds} of systems. It also {provides a step-by|offers step-by-step|gives step-by-step} {instruction on how to go|guide on how to go|procedure for going} solar{ and the|, and also the| and} financing options.
Types of Commercial Solar Systems
{Business owners can make large|Businesses can make their|Business owners can make huge} parking {lots more productive with|spaces more productive by using|areas more productive using} solar {carport systems|carports}. {These systems can generate|They can produce|These systems generate} electricity{ and provide|, and also provide|, as well as} {shade or covered|shading or shaded|the shade and covered} parking. Carports {can be a cost-effective|are a cost-effective|can be an affordable} and {simple way|easy way|easy method} for {business owners to generate|business owners to produce|businesses to create} {commercial|commercial-grade} solar panels. {These carports are also|Carports can also be|Carports can be} {a great option|an excellent option|ideal} for those {who wish|looking|who want} to {increase|boost|enhance} {their rooftop solar system’s energy|the energy efficiency of their rooftop solar system’s|the power of their solar roof} production. {Easy cleaning and maintenance are|Simple cleaning and maintenance is|Clean and easy maintenance is} also {possible with panels mounted|feasible with panels installed|feasible when panels are mounted} on {carport structures|carports}.
Flat roof systems
Flat {roof systems can be purchased|roofs can be bought|roofs are available} by {business owners in three types|entrepreneurs in three varieties|business owners in three forms}{: attached, ballasted,| that are ballasted, attached,| of ballasted, attached} or a {combination|mix} of both. The {roof type,|type of roof, the|type of roof,} {building construction method and structural|construction technique and|construction technique, and} engineering analysis {will all influence|all affect|will all impact} the {choice of|selection of a|decision to choose a} {system|the system}. Attached systems {rely on penetrations|are based on penetrations|depend on the penetration} {into the roof’s surface|through the roofing’s surface|in the surface of the roof}{ and| as well as|, as well as} {connections to the framing|connection to framing|connect to the frame}. Ballasted systems {rely|are based|depend} on the {system’s weight|weight of the system}{, which includes| that includes| including} the {panels, racking,|racking, panels,|racking, the panels} and other {materials to|components to|materials that} {support|help support|provide support to} the {array|entire array|structure}. {A hybrid system is minimally|The hybrid system is not fully|The hybrid system is only minimally} {attached|connected} and requires {both penetrations and|penetrations as well as} ballasting.
{Rooftop systems with|Rooftops with|Rooftops that have} {slanted|sloped|Slanted} roofs
The technology has {advanced|improved|evolved} to {support all roof types|accommodate all types of roofs|be able to handle all kinds of roofs}{, including those with slopes| that have slopes, even those with| including slopes}. Solar {Installers|installers} and commercial solar {panels suppliers|panel suppliers|panels providers} {can help business owners|will help business owners|can assist business owners to} {take advantage of the many|benefit from the numerous|get the most} {benefits of solar panels,|advantages of solar panels} {even if|regardless of whether} their roof {is sloped|slopes}. They {can also work|are also able to work|are also able to collaborate} {with them to install|together to install|with them to set up} solar panels. Ballasted mounting systems {are not|aren’t} {available for slanted roofs|suitable for roofs with slanted slopes|available for roofs with slanted edges}. They require penetrations {to be attached|to be connected|that are attached} {to the roof|onto the roofing|on the roof}.
Ground systems
Ground-mounted systems {can be|are} {a cost-effective solution for businesses|an affordable solution for businesses|cost-effective for companies} {that have|with|which have} {rooftops that aren’t suitable for|rooftops that aren’t suitable to|roofs that aren’t suited for} solar {systems|panels|power}{, or are too small| or aren’t large enough| or are too small} {for electricity generation|to generate electricity|for power generation}. Ground-mounted systems {can be designed|can be constructed|are designed} to {maximize efficiency and productivity|increase efficiency and effectiveness|maximize efficiency and efficiency} {if the owner|when the owner|in the event that the proprietor} of the {business has enough|company has sufficient|business owns enough} {land|space}. Ground mounts {come|are available} in two {types|varieties|forms}. Ground mounts {are made|consist|are constructed} {of metal framing that is|of steel framing which is|from metal frames that are} {driven|installed|placed} {into the ground|through the earth|deep into ground}. This {helps to maintain|allows|keeps} {commercial solar panels at|the commercial solar panel at|commercial solar panels on} {a fixed|a certain|an even} angle. Pole mounts {raise panels higher|elevate panels|lift panels higher} {from the ground and|than the ground, and|from the ground . They} {can sometimes be fitted|may be equipped|are often fitted} {with tracking systems that tilt|by tracking devices that turn|to trackers that tilt} {towards|toward} the sun.
{Tracker systems|Systems for tracking}
{Motors move|The motors rotate|Motors drive} the panels {in a sun-following fashion|in a sun-following manner|according to the sun’s direction}{, making| which makes} trackers more {efficient|effective}. Dual-axis systems {track the|track|monitor the} panels {along|on|in} both the x{- and|- as well as|and} y-axes. Single-axis systems {move them|shift them from|can move them from} {east to west|east-west}. {Ideal tracking systems allow for|The best tracking systems permit|Perfect tracking systems can accommodate} {more panels per kilowatt|greater panels per Kilowatt|more panels per Kilowatt}.
{They are however more costly|However, they are more expensive|However, they cost more} to {develop and to|build and|design and} maintain than a {typical|standard|conventional} solar {system with no|system that has no|array that doesn’t have} moving parts{ and mounted|, and is mounted| and positioned} {at|in|on} an angle. {Although trackers aren’t as popular|While trackers aren’t as well-known} {as traditional fixed-mounted systems|as fixed-mounted systems,|than fixed-mounted systems that are more traditional} and their reliability {is sometimes|can be|is often} {questionable, technological advances may|doubtful, technological advancements could|uncertain, technological advancements may} {make them more affordable|allow them to be more affordable|enable them to be cheaper} {in the near future|in the near future}.
{Artistic systems|Systems of art}
If {you want|you’re looking} to {make a bold statement|make an impact|stand out}{,| and make a statement,| with your solar panels,} {then artistic systems are|the artistic system is|creative systems can be} {a good|an excellent|a great} {option|alternative|choice}. {You can|It is possible to} arrange your {commercial solar panels into|solar panels for commercial use into|solar panels in} {beautiful, creative|stunning, artistic|attractive, imaginative} {arrangements that communicate|designs that convey|arrangements that send} {a message while not|an idea without|the message without} {sacrificing|losing|cutting down on} {energy production|the energy produced|the production of energy}. LA Solar Group, placed {a solar array|an array of solar panels|the solar array} on its {rooftop|roof}. The panels were {arranged|set up|placed} {so that the company’s name|in a way that the name of the company|to ensure that the company’s name} {could be clearly seen|could be clearly visible|was clearly visible}. LA Solar Group can now also be {seen|observed} {from space via satellite images|through satellite imagery|from space using satellite images}. The {iconic|famous} Mickey Mouse {shape|design} {of|that is|on} {Disney’s|the Disney’s} Florida solar farm {is a strong|is a powerful|conveys a strong} {brand|branding|brand’s} message. {These are large|They are huge|These are massive} arrays. {However, you can|But, you can also|You can however} {design smaller systems for|create smaller systems to reflect|make smaller systems with} your own {branding|brand}. {However, as expected|But, as you would expect|As you’d expect}{, the cost of| the price of| the price for} {design and installation will rise|the design and installation will increase|designing and installing will go up} the more {unique and customized|individual and custom|distinctive and personalized} {a system|the system|an item}.
Utility-scale systems
Solar energy {produced at|generated at a|produced on a} {utility|the utility} {scale is sold to utility|size is offered to utilities|level is sold only to utility} {buyers|purchasers|customers} and not to {individual consumers|consumers on a personal basis|private consumers}. {These projects are encouraged|These projects are backed|The projects are supported} by {both federal and state|federal and state|both state and federal} policies. {The|According to the|It is reported by the} Solar Energy Industries Association reports that {there are currently|there are|at present, there are} {37,000 MW worth of utility-scale solar|37,700 MW of solar utility scale|three thousand MW in utility-scale solar} {projects|power projects|solar projects} {in|across|within} the United States. {Another 74,000 MW are under|Seven4,000 MW more are in|A further 74,000 MW is under} development. {Utility-scale solar has many advantages|Solar on utility-scale has numerous advantages|Utility-scale solar offers many benefits}{, including economic and environmental| that include environmental and economic| as well as environmental and economic} {benefits|advantages}. The {fastest way to reduce|most efficient way to cut down on|most effective way to reduce} carbon emissions is {by using|to use|to utilize} solar {on a large|panels on a massive|power on a large} scale. {These solar plants also generate|Solar plants also produce|The solar power plants also produce} electricity {at a fixed price|for a fixed cost|at a fixed cost}{, unlike fossil fuels,| in contrast to fossil fuels| as opposed to fossil fuels} {which fluctuate in price|that fluctuate in cost|which are subject to price fluctuations} {all the time|constantly|continuously}.
Commercial Solar Energy System
{Solar power|The solar power process|It} is the {conversion of|process of converting|process of turning} solar energy into {electrical or thermal|thermal or electrical|either thermal or electrical} energy. {The|It is believed that the|In the United States,} U.S. has some the {most extensive solar resources worldwide|largest solar resources in the world|most extensive solar resources anywhere}{, making it the best| which makes it the most efficient| and is the top} and {cleanest|most clean} source of {renewable energy|energy that is renewable}. {This energy can be harnessed|The energy produced can be utilized} {by solar technologies for many|through solar technology for a variety of|by solar technologies for various} {purposes, such as generating|reasons, including the production of|uses, such as the generation of} electricity{, lighting or| and lighting, or| as well as lighting and} heating water for {commercial or domestic|domestic or commercial|both domestic and commercial} {use|usage}.
{Rising energy prices are putting|The rising cost of energy is putting|The rising costs of energy are placing} {pressure on commercial property owners|the pressure on property owners of commercial properties|stress on the commercial property owner} {and|as well as} {businesses of every size|companies of all sizes|businesses of all sizes}. The {aging|ageing|old} US {grid infrastructure|grid|system of grids} is{ also|} {deteriorating in reliability|becoming less reliable|getting less reliable}. {Businesses know that the cost|Companies are aware that the price|Businesses are aware of the high cost} of electricity {and lost income|and the loss of income|as well as the loss of revenue} {during outages can|in the event of outages could|when there is a downtime can} {have a significant impact on|be significant to|significantly impact} their bottom {line|account|income}. {Business owners|Businesses|The owners of businesses} {are making clear commitments|have made clear promises|are taking clear steps} to {reduce|cut down on|lower} {their carbon footprint|the carbon footprint of their business|their environmental footprint}. Solar power is {an easy|a simple} and {visible way to do|obvious way to achieve|easily visible method of doing} this. {A way to lower|An option to reduce|The ability to cut down on} {energy costs and increase|cost of energy and improve|the cost of energy and to increase} resilience is {essential|crucial|vital} {for commercial property owners|for property owners who own commercial properties|for commercial property owners}.

Commercial Solar Panel System
{Solar energy is a|The solar energy system is|It is one of the most} {flexible|versatile} energy technology. It {can be used|is able|can be utilized} to {generate electricity at|produce electricity at|produce electricity on} the {site of use|location of use,|point of use} or {distributed|to generate distributed} energy. {These two methods can both|Both methods are able to|These two options can} {store the energy they produce|store the energy they generate|save the energy they generate} {to distribute|to be distributed|for distribution} {after the sun sets|when the sun goes down|after sunset} {using the most advanced|with the most sophisticated|by using the latest} {solar + storage|solar and storage|storage and solar} technology. {The|It is true that the|In the} U.S. has a complex{, interconnected electricity system| interconnected electric system| interconnected system of electricity} {that includes|which includes|that incorporates} solar. {This technology works alongside|This technology is used in conjunction with|The technology integrates with} wind power to {transform|help transform|bring} the {country to a clean|nation into a green|country into a sustainable} energy economy.
{All these applications are dependent|All of these applications depend|Each of these applications is dependent} on {policy frameworks|the frameworks for policy|policies} at all levels{, federal|: federal|, including federal}{, state, and local| local, state and federal| as well as state- and local}. They {help ensure that|ensure that both|make sure that} {consumers and businesses|business and consumers|customers and businesses} {have equal access to|are equally able to access|get equal access to} {clean energy technologies such as|renewable energy sources like|green energy technology, such as} solar.
Commercial Solar Projects
Solar energy is {a long-term investment|an investment for the long term} {that pays slowly|which pays out slowly|that pays you slowly}. {Last but not least,|Not to mention,|Don’t forget to} {consider the benefits|think about the advantages|take into consideration the advantages} of solar {electricity|power|energy} for your {company|business}. {These are some of the|Here are a few|These are just a few of the} {key|most important|major} {benefits|advantages}:
{Solar panels that are sustainable|Solar panels that are environmentally sustainable|Renewable solar panels} {- Many people don’t know|Most people are unaware|A lot of people aren’t aware} that {commercial electrical power|electrical power used in commercial settings|electrical power for commercial use} is {a commodity|an item of trade|an asset}. It {can be purchased|is available to purchase|can be bought} or sold {according to|based on|in accordance with} {demand and supply|the demand and supply|the supply and demand}.
{You are|Your electricity is|The price you pay is} subject to {market|the market} forces, user {rates,|rates|fees,} and {electricity taken|the electricity you get|electric power taken} {from|off|out of} the grid. {Future charges are not|The future charges you incur aren’t|Charges for the future are not} {covered|included|protected}. The future is {unpredictable|uncertain|unpredictably} and {unpredictable|uncertain|unpredictably}.
{By switching to solar energy|When you switch to solar power|If you choose to switch to solar energy}{, you are making| is| it is} an investment {in|into} the {future|long-term future|growth} of your {company|business}. Solar {power can help you|energy can help you|power can help} {save money and protect|save money while also securing|reduce costs and safeguard} your {business’|business’s} {future|future}.
Future energy {bills|costs} {can be controlled – Because|can be managed – Since|are manageable – because} you {don’t know the future|can’t predict the future|do not know what the future holds}{, it can be| it is| it can be} difficult to {predict your running|forecast your operating|anticipate your running} {costs|expenses}. {However, when you|If you do|But, if you} have solar panels {installed|in place}{, it is much easier| it’s much simpler| it’s much easier} to {forecast your utility bills|predict your energy bills|estimate your monthly utility bill}.
A {business solar panel system|solar panel for your business|solar panel system for business} {will dramatically reduce|can dramatically cut down|will drastically reduce} {your energy costs|the energy cost of your business|your energy expenses}. This {will make it much|makes it|will make it} {easier to manage|easier to control|simpler to handle} {unpredictable and rapidly changing|the unpredictable and constantly changing|fluctuating and unpredictable} energy costs. Budgeting {is now easier because|has become easier since|is easier now that} you {don’t have|do not have|don’t need} to worry{ so much|| as much} about {rising energy rates|the rising cost of energy|rising energy costs}.
High reliability {- Commercial|commercial} solar panels are {virtually|almost|practically} {maintenance-free and quiet|silent and maintenance free|non-maintenance and silent}. Commercial buildings are {often|usually|typically} {designed so that they can|constructed to|constructed so that they can} be easily {accessed|accessible|reached}.
{Solar cells are|The solar cells have been|They are} protected {with|by} {tempered glass and noncorrosive aluminum|glass tempered and noncorrosive aluminum|tempering glass and noncorrosive aluminium} frames. They {can withstand|are able to withstand|are resistant to} rain{, hail, wind| or hail, wind,| storms, hail, wind} and snow, {so|which means|therefore} {they are|they’re} weatherproof.
{This is the perfect|This is the ideal|It is the right} {time to invest|moment to invest|time to make an investment} in SOLAR. {These are all valid|There are many|There are numerous} {benefits of solar energy|advantages of solar energy|advantages of solar energy to be used} {for commercial purposes|for commercial use|to be used for commercial purposes}.
Commercial Solar Panel Installation cost
How much do commercial solar systems cost?
{According to|Based on|As per} the Solar Energy Industries Association (also {known as|called|also known as} SEIA){,|} commercial solar panels {cost on average|are priced at|will cost an average of} \$1.45 per Watt {as of|in|at the time of} {Q4|the fourth quarter of} 2021. This is {about|less than|roughly} {half the price of|50% less than|half of the cost of} {systems that are installed|systems installed|solar panels that are used} on {homes|houses} ($3.06).
{Keep in mind|Be aware|Remember} that {average prices can hide|the average price can conceal|prices that are average can conceal} {large variations in prices|huge variations in prices|massive variations in price}. {Because of|Due to} {economies of scale,|the economies of scale|economics of scale} {the cost|the price|prices} per watt {tends to decrease|can decrease|decreases} {as systems get larger|when systems become larger|as the systems grow}. {Prices can also vary|Prices also differ|Costs can vary} {due to many factors,|because of a variety of factors,|depending on a number of factors} {including|such as} {location|the location} (costs {vary depending on|differ based on the|differ depending on the} {state|location}){, type and difficulty| the type and complexity| as well as the kind and difficulty} of installation, {as well as|and} the {type of mounting system|kind of mounting system used}.
{Keep in mind|Be aware|Remember}{, however,|} that these costs {are not|aren’t} {inclusive of any|included in any|exclusive of} incentive programs. This {can significantly reduce|could significantly lower|can drastically reduce} {your costs|the cost of your services|your expenses}. For more {information about|details on|information on} {rebates and incentives, see|incentives and rebates, refer to|incentives and rebates, check out} {the next|this|in the following} section.
Commercial Solar System benefits
{Businesses, governments|Governments, businesses|Governments, companies}{, and nonprofits have many| and non-profit organizations have a variety of| as well as non-profits have many} compelling reasons to {go|consider going|switch to} solar. These are the {main|primary|major} {benefits and incentives of|advantages and benefits of|advantages and incentives offered by} commercial solar panels{ systems|}:
- Other incentives{ and solar tax credit| and tax credits for solar|, including solar tax credit and solar tax incentives.}
- There are {many|a variety of|numerous} {financing options|ways to finance your business.|choices for financing}
- Green credentials
- Payback time is quick
- Below are {details about|the details for|more details on} each {benefit|benefits}.
- Other incentives{ and solar tax credit| and tax credits for solar|, including solar tax credit and solar tax incentives.}
The {federal tax credit|tax credit for federal taxpayers} {is equivalent to|amounts to|equals} 26{% of the total| percent of the total| percent of the} {cost of installing|price of|expense of installing} {a|the|an} solar {system|panel}.
If you {spend|invest|are spending} $50,000 {to install a sun-powered|on a solar-powered|to set up a sun-powered} system{, your tax return| the tax return you file| then your tax return} will {show a $13,000 credit|include a credit of $13,000|show a credit of $13,000}. This guide {by|from} {the|Department of Energy} Department of Energy provides more {information about the solar|details about the|details on the solar} tax credit {for commercial-scale|for commercial|available for commercial-scale} solar installations.
{Additional incentives may be offered|Other incentives could be offered|Additional incentives can be provided} by {states, utilities,|utilities, states,|utilities, states} or local {governments to encourage|governments to help encourage|authorities to encourage} {organizations to go|businesses to switch to|companies to go} solar. {Check to see|Find out|Look into} {what incentives may be available|the incentives that are available|which incentives are offered} in your {region|area|local area}.
Electric bill {offset can lower|offsets can reduce|offsets can help lower} operating costs
{Solar power systems that are commercially|Commercially|The solar power system that is commercially} {available|accessible} can {offset|cover|help offset} 100{% of an organization’s electricity| percent of an organization’s electric| percent of an enterprise’s electricity} {bills|costs|expenses}.
{A grid-tied system allows|Grid-tied systems allow|Grid-tied systems permit} {you to import surplus|you to import excess|users to import surplus} power{ and export power|, and export it} to {offset your|reduce your|help offset the} electric bill. {If net metering is|When net-metering has been|In the event that net meters are} {enabled|activated|turned on}{, you can even get| you may even receive| it is possible to receive} the {full retail rate|retail price} for {power exported|electricity exported|the power you export}!
You can {get your full|have your complete|have your entire} electric bill paid {off by|off with|by}:
- {Protect yourself from|You can protect yourself from|Be prepared for} {future price hikes|future price increases|the possibility of price increases in the future} by {producing your own electricity|generating your own electricity|producing your own power}.
- {Positive cash flow: Solar energy|Cash flow positive: solar energy|A positive cash flow from solar power} {can|could|has the potential to} {bring positive cash flow to|provide positive cash flow to|generate positive cash flow for} {many|numerous|several} {organizations|organisations|companies}. The {loan repayments, if any|loans, if they are repaid|loan repayments, if there are any}{, are often less expensive| are usually less costly| are typically less expensive} than the savings {from the|generated by|from} solar panels.
- {You get free electricity once|Free electricity is available once|The electricity will be free after} {your solar panels have been|your solar panels are|the solar panels are} {paid off|paid for|taken care of}.
Best commercial solar companies
LA Solar Group understands the {business need for|necessity of having|business requirement for} {a single point-of-contact to manage|one point of contact to handle|an all-in-one point of contact to manage} and {maintain|keep track of|manage} your contracts. {We are skilled at providing|We have the expertise to provide|We’re adept at providing} {a complete service, where|an entire service, in which|an all-inclusive service where} {every step is|each step is carefully} {planned and communicated in advance|scheduled and communicated prior to the time|identified and communicated ahead of time}. This {ensures that your operations|will ensure that your operations|ensures that your business operations} {do not suffer any disruption|are not affected by any interruptions|don’t suffer any interruptions}. We {know that price|are aware that cost|understand that cost} and quality will {drive|be the main driver in|guide} {your decision-making process|the decision making process|decisions}.
{We are happy to provide|We’re happy to give|We’re pleased to offer} {further information or advice on|additional information or assistance on|more information or help with} commercial solar panels {and|as well as} {large-scale solar power business projects|large-scale solar power projects for businesses|big-scale solar power for business projects}. LA Solar Group can be {reached for a free|contact for a no-cost} estimate of {upfront cost|the upfront cost|the upfront costs}.
Fill out the form and our sales consultant will contact you! Once you’ve had your initial consultation, you’ll begin your solar journey.