Why Solar Energy is important?
Why Solar Energy is important?
The power of solar energy to address many of the global challenges is the main source for renewable energy. There are many reasons that allow solar energy to be a prominent factor in the energy market. Because it’s flexible and provides numerous benefits to people as well as environmental protection, the power source is gaining popularity.
What exactly is solar power?
Sunlight is what gives rise the solar power. The sun is the source of power for our planet. It provides the energy necessary to sustain our environment and grow our population, no matter whether or not you realize it. Its solar energy will be enough to satisfy our every need. According to the US Department of Energy estimates that 173,000 terawatts solar energy hit earth every second, over 10,000 times more than the total world energy consumption. We can use the sun to generate electricity that is free, renewable, and clean. Solar energy can be used to provide heat, light, and other electricity-dependent needs in homes and buildings.
Environmental Protection is essential
According to the U.S. Department of Energy the amount of sunlight the planet receives in an hour is more than the energy consumed by all of the planet’s inhabitants for a year. Bloomberg states that solar energy was the most rapidly growing energy sector in 2015 with the growth of 33. Solar energy promotion is due to its environmental benefits.
Solar is safe and clean
The safest alternatives to fossil fuels such as coal and gas is solar. Solar energy can generate electricity that produces air pollution, water, and soil. It is reported by the World Wide Fund For Nature (also called the WWF) notes that the electricity produced by fossil fuels could result in air pollution as well as acid rain. It can also cause damage to forest areas, and affect agricultural production which can result in a reduction of millions of USD worldwide. In the United States, fracking United States uses thousands of liters of water to extract water. It can also trigger earthquakes and pollution of nearby water bodies. The environmental catastrophes caused by nuclear power have resulted in soil and water pollution. These unclean and dangerous consequences of using fossil fuels will be eliminated with the help of solar power.
Habitat destruction prevented
In order to extract essential raw materials, such as nuclear or fossil fuels, the forests of the world are destroyed. To feed their families trees continually extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere , and store it in their forests. This major carbon sink is lost when forests are removed to mine raw materials for traditional energy. Also, it is a major contributor to the climate changes. According to WWF the majority of ten animals that live on land reside in forests. Loss of habitats for forests could lead to a decrease in the amount of wildlife they have. It is vital to switch to solar power to preserve these habitats for wildlife that inhabit them and to maintain clean air.
Climate Change Combated
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 2017 greenhouse gas emissions were 13 percent lower than 2005 levels. Actually, the greenhouse gas emission actually decreased by.5 percent between 2016 and 2017. Global warming and shifting weather patterns are caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of heat waves and the increase in the number of insects that transmit diseases can lead to severe health problems, especially for the elderly and children.
The disruption of weather patterns has led to an increase in floods as well as hurricanes due to climate changes. The increase of carbon dioxide is acidifying oceans and the corals are dying off along with marine life. Climate change is causing the extinction of species from the Sub-Arctic boreal forests as well as tropical Amazon forests. The melting of the polar ice cap leads to a reduction in the wildlife habitats as well as an elevation of sea levels. People are displaced by the submersion and loss on the coasts. Globally, irregular rainfall or growing droughts can affect agriculture and the livelihoods of the most disadvantaged sections of society.
Because solar power doesn’t produce carbon dioxide emissions, it could limit climate changes. According to Greenpeace myth 5 (report on myths about energy) solar panels are able to reduce carbon emissions in just four years.
and Social Benefits. and Social Benefits
As per the Solar Energy Industries Association, the U.S. had an installed capacity of 69.1 gigawatts (GW) sufficient to supply power to more than 13 million homes during the second quarter of 2019.
Small and decentralized sources of electricity
The greatest appeal of solar energy is its ability for production on a tiny scale by consumers who are the end users in contrast to the large-scale conventional energy sources managed centrally by large corporations.
Photo-voltaic cells mounted in the rooftops of individual structures can generate electricity and heat by utilizing solar energy. As per the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) it is a decentralized source for energy that is utilized by households and businesses. As per the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, there are passive solar designs for buildings that heat or cool spaces as well as energy-efficient solar heating of the water.
These systems are becoming more popular to generate power at the community levels. According to the Office for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s study 13 states produced 100 megawatts of power generation in 2015. Residential units had 2 gigawatts. Between 2010 to 2015, 100MW of community solar plants were built. They are essential for ensuring that communities continue to function at a lower cost.
EIA also says that large-scale “Solar thermal and electric plant plants produce electric power by using sunlight to heat the fluid, then producing steam that powers a generator.”
Because solar power is decentralized and distributed, it is able to be utilized in remote areas without a connection to grid. This is crucial for farms that run greenhouses, irrigation, crop and hay dryers. As per the Union of Concerned Scientists, this is what makes agriculture secure.
Energy source that is reliable and affordable.
The cost of solar power systems is being reduced due to technological advancements, government subsidies and policy. According to Energy.gov the cost of solar solar systems have decreased by 60%, and the price of solar power systems has been cut by half. The solar energy market is more competitive than traditional energy sources.
According to Greenpeace, the running costs are lower and your initial expenditure is recouped leading to savings on energy costs. According to Greenpeace’s myth report (myth 1) solar energy is based on sunlight and is free. Yet, fossil-fuels must be extracted and transported over long distances. According to the Greenpeace report, within the United States, the costs of dealing with environmental issues from using “dirty power sources” are at least twice as high than the cost of electricity generated from conventional sources such as coal. The additional cost can be offset or eliminated by solar power.
Generation of Jobs
Guardian reports that the United States was the fifth-largest solar panel producer in the world in the year 2016. The industry has also created thousands of new jobs. According to Energy.gov, solar employment has increased 123% over five years. In 2015, there were 209,000 solar workers. Most solar installations were performed by small businesses. The next step was designers, salespeople, and professionals. The industry was growing by 12% more rate than the average American work force, which helped keep the economy moving.
Solar Energy Industry Jobs
64% of U.S. electricity was generated using fossil fuels, including petroleum, coal, natural gases, and other gases. About 19% of the electricity produced was generated by nuclear energy, and 17% by renewable sources. This is unchanged from 2015. According to a Solar Foundation report, the solar industry employed 242,000 employees in 2018.
Increase in the Solar Workforce
U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) 2017. U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) the number of employees employed in the traditional Energy and Energy Efficiency sector are around 6.4 million Americans. The number of new jobs created in 2016 was 5% higher than the previous year, which was 300,000. In 2016, 14% of the new jobs created in the U.S. were created by this industry. These industries employ 55% the energy workers. Moreover, around 374,000 employees work either full-time or part-time in solar. Around 260,000 employees work full-time in the solar industry. The number of solar-related workers grew by 25% in 2016.
and Innovation Funding and Innovation Funding
Since 1977 since 1977, since 1977, the U.S. Department of Energy has been the principal financing agency. In 2006, solar energy received funding of over $150 million. Research into solar power was awarded $310 million in 2013, and $65 million more added in 2016. It was developed to increase the efficiency of solar panels, develop the latest solar energy collectors and storage capacities, as well as lower the cost of electricity generation so that it is accessible to everyone via the [xfield_companyThe [xfield_company
According to MIT researchers, they are working to create new photovoltaic devices. This involves decreasing the amount of silicon utilized and exploring different types and designs of the panels. They also experiment with biobased materials, panel-less solar production, and so on.
A different option would be to increase the battery’s capacity for storage in order to conserve surplus solar energy for future use. This can increase efficiency and ensure continuous supply. Lithium-ion battery combination with software, as well as new “polymer hybrid supercapacitors”, would help to reduce costs.
Five Reasons to Back Solar Energy
Many homeowners and businesses are switching to solar power due to a variety of reasons. There are many advantages of solar power, not just for the individual, but for the whole world. Here are a few reasons to support solar power.
1. It’s beneficial for the environment.
Solar energy is more sustainable as compared to conventional electrical power. It does not rely on fossil fuels and doesn’t pollute the environment or water. This is why solar energy is a superior choice for many. Solar energy makes use of the earth’s natural resources while conventional electricity destroys or depletes the resources.
2. It is a reliable and economical energy source
The sun is the only renewable energy source. While fossil fuels will eventually exhaust their energy however sunlight will not. Solar energy is therefore highly reliable. It’s also less expensive than fossil fuels that are expensive to mine and to use. To reap the benefits you require a one-time solar equipment installation.
3. It saves you money over time.
Although the cost of installing solar panels and solar electric systems has dropped in recent years, some people still find it daunting to invest into solar power. It is important to keep in mind that installing solar panels is a one-time event. However, paying for electricity is an ongoing, expensive and regular expense, particularly in light of rising electricity rates. You will be able to reduce your expenses through investing in solar power.
4. Solar Power creates jobs and stimulates economic growth
Did you realize that the US solar industry creates more jobs per capita than any other sector? According to the Solar Foundation’s most recent National Solar Jobs Census report, solar energy creates nearly 17 times as many jobs as all other industries in the US general economy. There were 250,000 people employed working in the solar power industry at the time of the 2019 census.
5. It helps to ensure energy independence.
Energy independence is the ability to not rely on the grid to get energy. This makes you more vulnerable to price increases , and could result in power interruptions on Long Island and New York City. It could be a problem in the event that there isn’t a way to provide power to your home. If you have backup batteries and solar pv panels, you’ll be able to avoid being dependent on unstable power grids at times when you require it the most.
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